Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Back at the Blog

First things first...I just learned how to upload a picture and the only half decent one I could find was one of my husband Keith and I on our wedding day (18 years ago). Cute eh? OK...onto the blog....

Things have been good this week...I've walked three days in a row. My goal is to have 5 pounds gone by this Friday (I weighed in Friday past - the 17th). It seems like a lot for one week, but apparently it's possible! My goal after that is 1-2 pounds a week, keep up the walking and watch the cheese and crackers (ha)...

My sister came to visit me last week for a couple of days and brought with her all of her cool scrapbooking stuff (I was in heaven). She has way more stuff than I do. She left me with a pile of doodles, sketches, ideas for patterns for our new website paperandpiecings.com (which I'm really excited about). I spent Sunday evening past going through the pile and discarded a lot of it...but there's still a stack of it on my coffee table. My next designs will be hockey, pregnancy, robots. I've got a zillion ideas. Can't wait to get these done and see them on the website!

I've been offline for a few days -- had to take the computer into the shop to get a new graphics card installed. Everything seems ticketie-boo now!

I also have to spend some more time figuring out and learning to do the blog thing...but I sure am likin' it. :) 'Til next time.

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